12 thoughts on “Serene

    1. Thank you so much Sakshi. I hope you do not mind if I do not accept it,as I think I will not be able to do justice to it. I appreciate your thought behind it and grateful that you have chosen me for this honour.

  1. That’s nice, Sonali, and certainly calm and serene. I think that what I like most is the right hand tree, because this tree acts as a link between the imposing trees at the left, and the rest of the composition.

    My eye comes into the picture and, maybe because (as I’ve always said, for Westerners) I’m viewing the shot left to right, I immediately see the left hand trees – but then my eye slides right to the spindly tree, and so onwards to the water, greenery and earth beyond.

    Good picture! Adrian

  2. Rivers bring such peace to my heart when i sit beside them and mediate on their life giving qualities for all living things. For the river reminds me of God’s spirit, that keeps embracing me, wonderful image Sonali, thanks for the blessing1

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